John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Facebook & “People You Might Know”

Facebook and “People you might know”

Today I received a notice from Facebook that this young lady is a person I may know and want to friend.

First off, I can’t say that I have ever had in the past, have now, nor will ever have in the future any friends who look like this attractive young lady.

Why Facebook believes we are long lost friends from an earlier time in my life is confusing to me. For one thing, at an earlier time in my life, it is unlikely I was friends with this young gal when I was, oh…say, 35 and she was 9.

I don’t have anything against her and am sure she would make a good friend and have lots of interesting things she posts on her wall. Who knows, maybe we are “two peas in a pod” and have are like-minded on all the issues of the day. But I’m going to need more information before I am convinced.

This is probably the 3rd young, busty woman I’ve never met but Facebook has suggested as a friend over the last 9 months. I also notice that all the friends of these young ladies are, oddly, guys about my age. Which makes me wonder if it isn’t some sort of gag account used to see who is willing to try to friend them.

I’m flattered Mark Zuckerberg and his team take me for such a young and hip guy. But just because many of my posts are rambling, random and ridiculous doesn’t mean I am still in my late teens. Only that I sometimes sound like it.

On the other hand, I am most grateful that Facebook doesn’t send me pictures of people like this with the tag, “People you probably don’t know.” If they ever decide to start doing that, it’s find with me if I’m not notified about such things.


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