John Y’s Musings in the Middle: Etiquette Question

Pin ItNeed help with advice.

Etiquette question..I can’t find an entry for this in Ms Manners and hoping there is a ready formula for dealing with this awkward situation.

OK, you walk into a social event and see someone you’ve known for several years and never had trouble recalling their name, but suddenly blank out.

You quickly run through the alphabet in your head as they are walking toward you but to no avail.

You have a family member with you and don’t have time now–after wasting precious seconds on the alphabet –to tell the family member to introduce himself first to this “good friend” bc you can’t remember his name. Or even the letter his name might begin with.

So, you quickly grab your Blackberry and run a check on what you think his first name is.

You are correct, look up, and eagerly greet and introduce your friend to your family member….just before your “good friend” glances down at your Blackberry to see his name staring back at him.

He pauses to ask, “Were you going to call me?” but then realizes what “probably” happened and starts to say something sarcastic but stops.

What is the socially appropriate thing to say in this situation?


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