John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Who says basketball isn’t like life?

(Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images)

I want to go out of this world like the Wichita St Shockers lost to the University of Kentucky Wildcats yesterday in the NCAA tournament.

I want my last shot to be potentially the one I’ll be remembered for –if it goes in.

And all I ask for is three seconds and one good look at the basket.

And I only want there to be 0.2 seconds left before I realize it’s… all over.

jyb_musingsAnd I want to feel grateful for the incredible run I was privileged to experience

And I want to leave the floor knowing I did everything I could have done during the time I was in the game

And that I exceeded all expectations–not out of good fortune– but because I played with the heart of a champion and never gave up

And that I played pursuing what I believed was my destiny

And I want my loss to be remembered somehow as Kentucky’s gain.

I only ask that I not be in St Louis when it happens.

And that where I am going is someplace much better than Indianapolis.


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