John Y’s Musings from the Middle: What Movie Describes Your Life?

I was remembering today when Al Gore explained that he and Tipper were whom the author of the novel and later hit movie Love Story was based on.

The movie starred a young, dashing and quite handsome Ryan O’Neal and the lovely and endearing Ali McGraw. Gore claimed he was played by Ryan O’Neal.

Not Ali McGraw.

The author later disputed that claim… but that’s beside the point. It’s fun to think that a celluloid couple remind you of you and your spouse.

Anyway, it made me wonder if there was a movie that had characters that reminded my wife and me of each other. Both individually and even the way they related to one another.

I wanted to suggest Love Story but knew it wouldn’t pass muster.

We agreed, however, that the couple in Albert Brooks Lost in America was a pretty close parallel to us.

Albert Brooks is no Ryan O’Neal in the looks department but seems to think more like I do. An advertising exec who wants to drop out of society and repeat a motor home version of Easy Rider. And fails miserably at it.

As for the female lead, Ali McGraw is lovely but Julie Haggerty is lovely, too, and is probably a lot sweeter. And even better, Julie Haggerty’s character doesn’t die at the end of the movie.

So, we’re going with Lost in America.

How about you?


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