John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Vacation From Myself

jyb_musingsSometimes I think it would be nice to take a vacation— not “to” any place but “from” myself.

Not sure how it works or what the lodging arrangements would look like but would kinda be a nice break to get away from myself for a week — or  just a long weekend.

I think a little distance from myself could be good now.

I feel I am getting too enmeshed with myself and showing signs of copendency-…-I have this compulsion to have to know what I am doing and a compulsion to “fix” me. I need to learn to let go and not care what I think about myself.

A self-vacation may be just what I need.

Been a long, long time since I have been able to do that. Can’t even remember last time.

Wonder if there are any  Groupons for a vacation like this?


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