John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Twerking

A note on Twerking.

Twerking, a word I was unfamiliar with until last week, is now officially part of the Oxford English Dictionary.

OK. Fine. It’s now officially a word. But before you start to think Twerking is something worthy of a week near the top of the news, think about it this way.

What if you or someone you know well became an accomplished Twerker?

jyb_musingsWhat if you or someone you know then became a very distinguished Twerker?

And then what if, after several more years of training and practice, you or someone you know became the Best Twerker in the World?

Then what?

Would it really have been worth it? Or would you have been better off…..I dunno….doing something, like, well, other than Twerking? Even if it isn’t a word in the Oxford English Dictionary.


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