John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Tuxedos

Just in case anybody out there has pull within the clothing industry, I would like to put in a request for a tuxedo that doesn’t take an engineering degree to put on.

I don’t understand how clip-ons got such a bad name. What’s not to like?

And those cufflinks and studs? I’m sure whoever came up with the idea was doing the best they could within the time period they lived in.

But we have since invented buttons, zippers and Velcro. Even button fly jeans. Cufflinks and studs should have faded about the same time knickers went out of style.

I would support a new line of male clothing that is all about ease of use and functionality. Men today should be able to dress for “black tie” without needing two or more people involved.

I might even go for a reversible tuxedo. As long as the reversed side isn’t powder blue.


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