John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Travel Advice

Travel advice.

If you run a business off your laptop, be sure not to leave the laptop in the seat pocket in front of you after idling on the Tarmac for 45 minutes before take-off.

It is posaible you will get in a conversation with a man from Jordan in the window seat next to you and forget to use the laptop when airborne and above 10,000 feet. (As a sidenote airplanes these days go much higher than 10,000 feet. In fact, about 35,000 —Vanessa Armstrong and Steven Riggs. Not everybody knows this but probably should. Especially of they are going to post about air travel on Facebook.)

Back to the main topic. If you do get engrossed in a conversation with a member of the Jordanian military under these circumstances DO NOT leave your laptop in the seat pocket in front of you. Also, if asked by the Jordanian member of the military seated next to you “What do you know about Jordan?” Don’t say “You mean Michael Jordan? The greatest basketball player of all time?” Because that is not what they are talking about. They are talking about a different Jordan that you probably don’t know much about. (Hint: Try Googling Jordan, the country, when they are not looking so don’t sound like a complete embecile).

jyb_musingsAnd if you do leave your laptop in the seat pocket and it is a US Air flight, call customer service and ask for Roberta. She is great and can help you locate your laptop the next morning. Just don’t try to blame USAir for your memory lapse. That only ticks off Roberta and she won’t try as hard to find it for you.

Hope this helps.

Also, turns out Jordan is a really interesting place to talk about. But probably not worth losing your laptop over.


What I did over the last two hours.

On plane to NYC

Left Louisville, Kentucky this late this afternoon to travel to New York City, New York.

Not walking, of course.
Not taking horse drawn carriage.
Not traveling by boat.
Not traveling by automobile either.

But flying –soaring really–12,000 feet above the ground at over 500 miles per hour.

Over 500 mph!!

Like a giant steel bird flying confidently and safely through outer space high above the clouds and now swooping down to land in a new brightly lit up city with millions and millions of strangers just like you and me but different too.


Wheels touched down and we have arrived in New York City, New York from Louisville, Kentucky in a 2 long hours.

We are not your tired and huddled masses seeking refuge but more like well rested and well fed aliens visiting from a distant planet because we can.

For the weekend.

I suspect that Lady Liberty in her permanently proud and protective pose is trying to defy gravity by grinning to herself and thinking “This is happening!”


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