John Y’s Musings from the Middle: “The Talk”

I try to think each night before going to bed of what I’m grateful for that day.

One item on tonight’s list is not having to have any more “birds and the bees” talks with my children.

I was reminded tonight of my first attempt which did not go the way I had planned.

Finally ready for the talk (me, that is), I launched into it with my son when he age 9. I thought he’d be fascinated and want to know details and pepper me with curious questions.

Instead he interrupted me, “OK. Stop. I don’t want to hear anymore. That’s just gross. You act like picking your nose is gross–well, that’s way grosser. You have to promise me it won’t happen again until I’ve moved out of the house to go to college.”

So, the conversation that had begun with me anxious about trying to explain human reproduction and nervous I’d fail, ended up with me proud that my son was already planning to go to college at age 9.

I guess it all worked out somehow.


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