John Y’s Musings from the Middle: The Course We’re On

It’s hard to know the course we are on or where we are in the race or even where it will take us.

Sometimes it isn’t clear if we are closing in on the finish line or the edge of a cliff.

And sometimes when it seems to be the edge of a cliff it is really only a small jump down and part of a longer obstacle course.

jyb_musingsPin ItAnd sometimes when it seems to be the finish line and we push out our chest to secure victory we learn we have already been lapped by our competitor. Or forgot to hand off the baton several laps ago.

Which means, I guess, not to waste too much time anticipating or prejudging and do your best to adjust and make the most of whatever you find around the next turn.

And if you have been carrying a baton for several hours, you probably have some explaining to do.


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