John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Teenagers

Having teenagers is a gift.

Not necessarily a gift that I would have picked out for myself. For example, like brides-to-be pick out for their bridal registry.

More like a sort of gag gift. That gets a knowing laugh at a party when opened but not as big a laugh as you’d hoped.

Because you begin to realize it’s not really a gag or a gift. So you put it in the corner and hope your spouse will know what to do with it and put it away for you. And not tell you where it is.

But you find it and after ignoring it many times you decide one day pull it out and read the instructions. And realize unlike most gifts, it doesn’t come ready-made.

The gift depends entirely on how much time you spend working on it. Like a Rubik’s Cube. You never figure it out.

But working on it makes you a smarter person—while simultaneously reminding you how incredibly dumb and limited you are. And makes those watching you play with it–your teenagers–realize they don’t have to be that smart or talented or together to make it in this world.

And they love you (and learn a lot) by watching you try–in front of them.

And they –your teens–are amused that you try to teach them the secrets of the Rubik’s Cube while daily failing to figure it out…And shocked when you get mad at them for not listening.

After all, why should you be mad? You’re playing with your gift.


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