John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Idiom Speak

Idiom-speak can leave you tongue-tied.

It’s depressing when things that are supposed to “wax and wane” end up merely “waning and waning” And then waning once more —and in a big way, as waning goes—when you least expect it and when you really, really needed a major league waxing period to begin.

At some point waning (without waxing) is just a trend that you have to accept and just deal with …it for what it is and stop telling yourself it will stop soon and start waxing. It may not. It may never wax again.

In fact, it may wane and ebb!

jyb_musingsAnd that is some serious stuff when that starts to happen. And you better be ready.

You can’t be standing idly by wearing rose-colored glasses telling yourself a flowing or waxing period is just around the corner when it’s obvious to everyone else around you there is only more waning and more ebbing ahead. Maybe a lot more.

And that your “glass,” so to speak, is definitely half empty and not half full. And really more like only a third full (or, I should say, two-thirds empty).

Don’t be the last one in the room to realize you are waning and ebbing and already–and maybe permanently —half empty, glass-wise.

Put it this way: When that happens, and you see a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s best to run the other way. And to leave all those pesky idioms, maxims and metaphors behind.


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