John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Honking Etiquette

Horn honking rules of etiquette:

When waiting at a traffic light that has turned green but the car in front of you hasn’t noticed yet.

1) One short honk means a head’s up to driver that the light has changed

2) Two short honks means the light has changed and the driver honking is in a hurry

3) Three short honks means the light has changed, the honking driver is in a hurry and thinks the driver …in the car in front of him is an idiot.

jyb_musings4) One long honk means the honking driver  is a total a****le and is in a hurry because he started late and is an idiot. (

Note: if the honked at driver responds with a symbolic retaliatory hand gesture, then he becomes a bigger a***ole and idiot than the honking driver.)


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