John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Going the Extra Mile

Some people who claim to always go the “extra mile” –actually often only go a few extra yards. Or feet .

And just hope nobody notices and measures.

I have done that myself a few times. I find it helps to look like I am out of breath, so it will look like I really did go a full extra mile in working on a project

In the future, I think we ought to consider the practical advantages of changing the phrase “going the extra mile” to “going the extra kilometer”

jyb_musingsSure, chalk one up for the metic system but its also much more efficient and realistic . A kilometer is about 6/10th of a mile but is about as much extra a person can go on something without looking like a fool, or martyr.

Once you go a full mile over what is required, you are just trying to show off. But a kilometer is more believable and sends the message you really do try harder.

But not to an obsessive degree.


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