John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Deep Religious Ponderings

Deep religious ponderings.

I don’t believe my religion is right and other religions are wrong.

But if pressed….I do like to think my religion is just a little bit superior to yours.

You know, classier, I guess.

Maybe a bit more “uptown” and perhaps even a little more sophisticated, too.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we Presbyterians, as a denomination, tend to do better at cocktail parties than our competitor denominations.

jyb_musingsFor example…..I just had a couple of Church of Latter Day Saint women drop my my house to share some literature with me. Thought it was UPS but when opened the door saw no brown but did see the The Watchtower publication being held by one of the ladies— and instantly knew that it wasn’t UPS —and didn’t appear to be FedEx or DHL either.

I admire Mormons a great deal. But I am glad my religion doesn’t go door-to-door to evangelize. Telemarketing to evangelize would be beneath us too. We are better than that. We use mass mailings, for example. And try to keep telemarketing campaigns to minimum.

Of course, I didn’t say anything to the Church of Latter Day Saints ladies about any of this. Just thanked them and suggested they talk to a neighbor who had friends last weekend park in my driveway.

Debating religion on my doorstep wouldn’t have been very Christian of me. Especially when it would be easier for me to wait and just talk about them behind their backs on Facebook.

And I would never bring up something like this at a cocktail party.

But wouldn’t put it past a Methodist.


What is the world’s most popular “unsaid” daily prayer?

My guess is….

“Why can’t the rest of the world just behave! So I don’t have to.”

I recommend saying it at least once out loud. After that, I find I ave a hard time even thinking it to myself.

Sometimes saying something out loud–and hearing it–helps me stop thinking it to myself.


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