The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Wellness

Girls, do yourself a favor and please don’t want to be like Snookie when you grow up. New research from the Girl Scouts Research Institute reveals that 80 percent of girls who watch reality TV shows think the programs are unscripted and true to life. [Time]

Here’s seven ways to beat the afternoon energy slump: [Huffington Post]

A malaria vaccine in progress could save millions of lives. [NY Times]

Is there something scientific about the types of personalities that can handle the presidency? [Psychology Today]

Feeling down? Watch this montage of positive reinforcement clips from “Glee” and you’ll be smiling faster than you san say “Don’t stop believing!” [NY Magazine]

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of The Web

The Politics of the Web



Google thinks your digital books belong on a digital bookshelf. [Engadget]

Now is the time for us to occupy….the internet? [Huffington Post]

China is taking over the web. [Mashable]


Tomorrow at The Recovering Politician

We introduce our newest Friend of RP tomorrow, and we think that you will enjoy her.

Named by Keith Olberman as “The Worst Person in the World” as a college student, she’s done some growing up.  Now a twenty-something and mother of four, she regrets her strident language and tactics in her recent youth, while still holding strong to her conservative values.

This is the type of recovery we love to spotlight here at The Recovering Politician. And we also look forward to reading more from her unique point of view.

Tune in tomorrow.  Same RP time; same RP channel.

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of College

How has technology changed college today? This is an extensive topics that includes countless new developments which have found their way into the lives of college students inside and outside of the classroom. See here for an overview of rapid changes seen in the past 20 years. [VatorNews]

The most recent explosion from Apple has been the iPad. Since its release, there has been much speculation on the extensive possibilities tablets could provide not just for college classrooms, but in all areas of education. [Online Colleges]

Could the end of the printed textbook be approaching? Between 1986 and 2005, the average price of textbooks rose 186 percent. As the technological age takes us over, it seems clear a major aim of new businesses would be to eliminate these bulky, expensive books from college life. See here for some projects currently underway. [The Chronicle]

A new study has concluded that access to search engines like Google has actually hindered students’ ability to effectively research, rather than furthered it. The study attempted to understand the dramatic changes in how college students conduct research and to determine the effects on the students. [The Conversation]

Not only are the students utilizing new technologies, but the universities as a whole have begun using the opportunities provided to further their messages as well. In particular, social media has become a focal point for many institutions, including usage of Facebook, Twitter, iTunesU, and YouTube. See here for twenty schools that have put a particularly large emphases on these technological outlets. [Best Colleges Online]

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Liberty

Here are the details on tonight’s GOP debate from Nevada. I wonder what the Vegas odds are that Herman Cain’s “9-9-9 Plan” is mentioned within the first 9 seconds. [2012 Election Central]

The recently freed American hikers detained in Iran support Occupy Wall Street in Oakland, California. Do you? [Mercury News]

Lady Liberty

90% of North Koreans who defected to South Korea considered Kim Jong-Il’s remarks as good as law. Makes the Supreme Court’s constitutional jurisprudence read like a peaceful bedtime story. [Yonhap News Agency]

Steven Schulman: The Collapse of The RP

My team, beset by an epic collapse and management dysfunction, has me angry, depressed and sleepless. The seeds of this disappointment were sown when I lived in Boston, a recent college grad who stayed in the cradle of idle young men (a tradition that started with the Sons of Liberty, the first Bostonians with way too much time on their hands).

Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, I had the good fortune to live in easy proximity of the leadership of the franchise that has so disappointed me this year. I watched faithfully as ownership built some great teams, and even though we both spent plenty of time at Fenway, I could not truly call those my own. It was only this year that I allowed myself to buy in fully, but given past performance, I should have known that heartbreak was more likely than a shower of Champagne.

Our Entourage. From Top left, clockwise: The author's much better looking brother, the RP, the author, and Turtle

I am, of course, talking about the recent disastrous performance of OVFTY Charts and my co-owner, The RP. Fantasy football is killing me. (Yes, I am also a Red Sox fan, but two World Series wins in the recent past has assuaged the pain of this year’s flop.)

While Jonathan and I have enjoyed Rotisserie league baseball as rivals over the course of 22 seasons, it was only his year that we decided to co-own a team. Because The RP has matched me with 6 titles in our Rotisserie league over its long history, I had high expectations. OK, so neither of us know anything about football, but how hard could it be for two men with absurdly expensive educations and penchants for obsession over the most trivial matters? (For Jonathan, politics; for me, Slovakian mud wrestling.)

Read the rest of…
Steven Schulman: The Collapse of The RP

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Fashion

Politics of Fashion

BREAKING NEWS: Uniqlo, a Japanese Fashion Retailer, is taking over the world. No, seriously.   [WWD]

Having trouble finding make-up to complement your Halloween costume? Look no further! Check out these Halloween-inspired make-up collections:   [Fashionista]

Will you be watching Project Runway‘s spin-off, Project Accessories?   [Lifetime]

Sale and Karl Lagerfeld typically do not belong in the same sentence. However, at Macy’s, they do. Uh oh.   [Racked]

It’s time to stack up your nail polish collections for the Fall!   [Fashionista]

THE RP’S BREAKING NEWS: The Rise of Herman Cain?

President Cain?




A recent Rasmussen poll has Herman Cain beating President Obama in a head-to-head match-up. [Rasmussen Reports]

Jeff Smith: Will the Democrats’ Tax the Rich Proposal Fly?

Jeff Smith

Read the polling. It’s more suicidal for the Republicans to kill it than it is for the Democrats to push it. Let Republicans spend the next year defending those who earn over a million a year. Not a good look.

(Cross-posted, with permission of the author, from Politico’s Arena)

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Pigskin

The Politics of Pigskin

Here is Peter King’s Monday Morning QB article in which he breaks down the weekends news and results. [Sports Illustrated]

The Oakland Raiders are rushing to find a replacement at QB after Jason Campbell went down with a season-ending collar bone fracture. Their first contact was with David Garrard, former starting QB of the Jacksonville Jaguars. Adam Schefter has reported they have also touched base with Josh McCown. [ESPN]

Here is your preview of tonight’s Monday night game featuring the NY Jets vs. the Miami Dolphins. [CBS New York]

Check out some of the Week 6 winners and losers around the league. [Yahoo! Sports]

Here is a recap of the action from this weekend’s college football slate – featuring Lattimore going down for the season, Kansas State surging, and Georgia’s D. Coordinator losing it after their game. [The Big Lead]

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