By Grant Smith, RP Staff, on Fri Aug 12, 2011 at 3:00 PM ET
“The lower the market goes, the more I buy.” Legendary investor Warren Buffet explains why fear overshadows greed. [CNBC]
The ultimate fear profiteer. How to understand and invest according to the VIX index. [Fortune]
Ten popular about social networking for business. [Forbes]
The new BMW convertible: is it really worth the 100k price tag? [Wall Street Journal]
By Robert Kahne, RP Staff, on Fri Aug 12, 2011 at 1:30 PM ET Ben Wyatt, a man much like me.
The guy to the left is Ben Wyatt (played by Adam Scott), a character from my favorite show on television, Parks and Recreation. (Sorry, Community, I think you’ve been unseated). Ben Wyatt arrived on the show at the end of the second season as a hard hearted Indiana state financial auditor. He arrives in the mythical town of Pawnee in order to clean up the city’s financial mess. During most of his second season appearances, he clashes with the lovely Amy Poehler, who plays my perfect mate–Leslie Knope. However, by the end of the show’s third season, he has lightened up quite a bit, and is dating Leslie.
I am a lot like this guy. The character Ben was elected the mayor of a small town in Minnesota when he was 18 years old, and prompted ran the town’s finances into the ground. After being impeached (two months after he took office), he spent the rest of his professional career trying to clean up his name. He became a financial auditor, and the character has helped turn around several towns financially. However, his past always seems to find a way to haunt him–in an episode in the show, he is consistently hounded by Pawnee’s hilariously ridiculous media for his troubled past as a failed mayor.
In the show, Ben dates Leslie Knope. I wish I dated either Leslie Knope or Amy Poehler.
I am like Ben because when I was younger, I made a lot of silly mistakes also. I have always been pretty quick to absorb information, and I have always been very passionate about thing in which I believe. In high school and throughout much of college, I wielded my opinions like a big sword. I would argue until me and the other person were blue in the face, and I would never back down. I took to rhetoric pretty quick: while I fought a lot of arguments to a draw, I very rarely looked foolish or incorrect. I was thoroughly convinced that if I argued with people who thought differently than me that they would be converted to the way in which I think, or at least, that the people who saw us arguing would be swain to “my side.” I fought with feeling–and if the other person had the facts which disproved my arguments, I would just continue to repeat my opinions, just louder, and with more feeling. Ideology trumped everything to me–and anything that was right to my ideological faith was gospel. That was a really crappy thing to do. More than several people have taken me aside to tell me that they were offended by how much I hounded someone in a rhetorical tussle, and others found me to be offensive and thought my tone was overly mocking. They were right.
For the past several years, I have tried to make this right. In my last few years of undergraduate, I worked really hard to learn about different political ideologies and economic schools. I have tried to learn and understand their decision making frameworks, and how they think. When deciding to go to graduate school, I decided to go to policy school. There, I worked really hard to learn how to discover facts and utilize information in order to solve problems and draw conclusions. Like Ben Wyatt, after realizing that the way in which I had lived was flawed, I have tried to make things a bit more right.
 In real life, however, Amy Poehler is married to this guy. She has made a huge mistake.
That’s not to say I don’t have a lot of opinions, still. But when I do decided to be vocal about them, I am sure to provide evidence or support for the things which I say. That’s super important. And whenever I am writing about something, I try to do my best to explain the other side of the coin. That’s why in this space, I’ve tried to give Austrians arguments to the debt ceiling crisis, and why I have tried to explain every side of the sustainability/consumption chain as completely as possible. I still screw up–a lot. I let my opinions get in the way when I see something that makes me really angry, but usually I recover pretty quickly and before I say TOO many stupid things, I get back to using data and information to back up my thoughts. To the people who are reading this: feel free to call me out about this. If you think I don’t do a good enough job of ensuring that facts and information are ingrained in what I say, write, and post–feel free to speak up! I want to be as good as I can about this, and help is always appreciate (well…help is usually appreciated :))
Plus, Ben Wyatt and I both part our hair in ridiculous ways, and enjoy wearing plaid shirts entirely too much. And we are typically the only people to laugh at our own jokes.
By Stephanie Doctrow, RP Staff, on Fri Aug 12, 2011 at 12:00 PM ET So you say you don’t have a “math brain”? According to new research, there is such thing is an inherent number sense… and it’s something you’ve either got, or you don’t. [Time]
Curl up and relax… with your smartphone? [NY Times]
Why is swimming the most deadly leg of triathalons? [Wall Street Journal]
Choose wisely– your choice of romantic partner helps determine how healthy you’ll be. [Psychology Today]
By RP Staff, on Fri Aug 12, 2011 at 8:30 AM ET Contributing RP Eva Moskowitz received a major endorsement for her efforts to promote charter schools in New York City — from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page.
Read here:
We write frequently about the charter-school wars in New York City because the battle touches so many aspects of the effort to give children from poor families the education necessary to escape their circumstances.
Today’s report has good news: Results released yesterday of test scores in the New York State Assessment Program showed that the most relentlessly attacked charter schools—Eva Moskowitz’s Harlem Success academies—have outperformed their public-school peers, often by a wide margin.
At all New York City’s public schools, 60% of third, fourth and fifth graders passed the math exam; at Harlem Success, 94% passed. In the state language arts exam, 49% from the city schools passed compared to 78% at the charters. The 94% pass rate for the academies’ black and Hispanic students surpassed the 73% pass rate for white students taking the exam in New York state.
Click here to read the full editorial.
By Zack Adams, RP Staff, on Thu Aug 11, 2011 at 3:00 PM ET
Jalopnik has the story of a 20-year-old abandoned BMW dealership in Ontario, Canada with two mint-condition BMWs visible through the window. The whole place looks like it frozen in time. Very cool. [Jalopnik]
The CEO of General Motors recently bought up 10,000 more shares of GM stock after they took a 25% hit. [Autoblog]
Some sad news coming from Mazda, with the discontinuing of the RX-8 model, they are also putting their rotary engine program on hiatus. It’s doubtful that it will go away forever, but it’s still a bummer for piston-less engine fans. [Wards Auto]
Here are the weekly NASCAR power rankings from ESPN, featuring a big jump from Brad Keselowski after a win last weekend. [ESPN]
By Grant Smith, RP Staff, on Thu Aug 11, 2011 at 12:00 PM ET
BREAKING NEWS: The Republican Leadership has released their six picks for the debt-ceiling “super committee.” [Politico]
30 Rock actor Alec Baldwin is considering a run for New York City Mayor, but not in 2013. [USA Today]
This week in political and economic news creates a test for President Obama’s stated-views on a one-term presidency. [New York Times]
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin “discovers” ancient Greek urns while scuba-diving. [Yahoo]
The Government everyone loves to hate: reporters break-down just how unpopular the government is right now. [Washington Post]
By Patrick Derocher, on Thu Aug 11, 2011 at 9:30 AM ET
Following Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s selection of his delegates to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House John Boehner have named their choices for the committee. From the Senate are Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Jon Kyl of Arizona, and Rob Portman of Ohio. The selection of Toomey, a one-time president of the Club for Growth, is likely a nod to his broad Tea Party support, and while Portman previously served as Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President George W. Bush, Kyl is notorious for walking out of budget talks with Vice President Joe Biden. On the House side are Jeb Hensarling of Texas, Dave Camp, and Fred Upton, both of Michigan. Hensarling, chairman of the House Republican Conference, will serve alongside Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) as co-chair of the committee. Camp served on the Simpson-Bowles Commission, although he voted against all his recommendations, and Upton serves as chairman on the Committee on Energy and Commerce. All six appointees have signed Americans for Tax Reform’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge. [National Journal]
Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) has come out strongly against the hyperpartisan environment that led to the debt ceiling debacle, saying she was embarrassed by lawmakers’ behavior and calling the current Congress “the worst” she’s ever seen in her political life. Snowe, a moderate Republican, is being targeted by multiple Tea Party challengers for the 2012 primary. [Huffington Post]
A group of moderate to conservative Democrats in the Blue Dog Caucus, including Jim Cooper of Tennessee, Henry Cuellar of Texas, Michael Michaud of Maine, and Mike McIntyre of North Carolina, have signed a letter urging Speaker Boehner to cancel the House of Representatives’s August recess so as to address the fiscal crisis currently facing the country. [The Hill]
For the third time in the last week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged by more than 500 points Wednesday, falling 4.63% to 10,718 points, a drop of 520 from the previous day. This brings the total decline in the index to more than 2,000 points in the last three weeks. Other American indices performed similarly Wednesday, with the NASDAQ and S&P 500 both dropping by around 4%. [Huffington Post]
Standard & Poor’s has released some of its specific reasons for downgrading the United States to a AA+ bond rating, and it is more political than fiscal. Citing the political gridlock in Washington, and in particular the Republicans’ unwillingness to compromise on raising revenues, the report sends the message that S&P does not believe that any sort of meaningful debt-reduction compromise can come out of the current political environment in Washington. [Reuters]
By RP Staff, on Thu Aug 11, 2011 at 8:30 AM ET Last month’s launched of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau might never have happened were it not for the inspiration of contributing RP Andrei Cherny.
Read this excerpt from Politico‘s “On The Media”:
Elizabeth Warren first laid out the idea for the agency in an essay in the summer of 2007 in the journal “Democracy: A Journal of Ideas.” Jake Tapper flashed the issue during an interview with Warren earlier this week, during which Warren marveled at how far the idea had come in four years.
“Of all the ideas that get published in academic journals like that, not so many make it into law,” she said.
Andrei Cherny, now the journal’s president, was co-editor of the publication at the time, and had known Warren from his work with John Kerry’s campaign in 2003 and 2004.
“I was talking with her about some of the ideas that she had put forward, and this is something that was in its beginning stages, so we asked her to write it up for us as a proposal,” Cherny said.
Click here to read the full article.
By Zack Adams, RP Staff, on Wed Aug 10, 2011 at 3:00 PM ET
The 3 Stupid Stages in Life [picture]
The new logo for the 2012 London Summer Olympics [picture]
Number of syllables for letters of the alphabet [graph]
They’re getting smarter! [comic]
Mad scientists aren’t always scientific. [comic]
In honor of Shark Week on the Discovery Channel [comic]
By Stephanie Doctrow, RP Staff, on Wed Aug 10, 2011 at 1:30 PM ET The NATO hospital at Kandahar Airfield is among the most advanced treatment facilities to ever operate in a war zone. Its job is to save the war’s worst casualties. [Virginian Pilot]
It’s a recession for everyone.. including the Tooth Fairy. [CNN]
Listen up, ladies. Gloria Steinem, a major pioneer in the fight for women’s rights, says there is still work to be done. [The Daily Beast]
Here’s hoping the economy starts recovering fast- today, one citizen expressed their discontent with Wall Street in a very unconventional way. [Huffington Post]
London is burning… and here’s what British citizens are reporting about the riots on Twitter. [Time]
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