The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Pompatus of the Media

Leave it to the New York Post to take something as unsexy as the stock market and turn it into a scandal. [NY Magazine]

Jon Stewart defending Michele Bachmann? The comedian calls out Newsweek and its editor, Tina Brown, for its “crazy eyes” photo of Bachmann on the magazine’s cover. [Gawker]

What’s more surprising: the fact that a Des Moines TV station questioned a commercial Stephen Colbert was paying the station to run hours before the Iowa straw poll an hour before it was supposed to air, or that two other stations didn’t question the commercial at all? [Time]

Check out sone creative advertisements that make you look twice. [Hong Kiat]

If newspapers are the new vinyl, does that mean that newspaper readers are hipsters? Didn’t think so. [Poynter Institute]


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