The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Swing

The Politics of Swing

This week, the Recovering Politician takes two very distinctive looks at tennis: one beautiful, one grotesque. Marvel at the former in this stunning collection of today’s top female tennis players in slow motion presented by the New York Times Magazine: [The Beauty of the Power Game]

And let’s see if you remember this classic skit from Monty Python’s Flying Circus. If you’re of a certain age, it was certainly hard to forget. Enjoy! [Tennis Anyone?

In case you missed it, one of the few boxers to ever knock Muhammad Ali to the floor died this week. Ali led some of the many tributes to Sir Henry Cooper. [The Guardian

And finally, the RP is sure that you’ve heard of the next generation of professional golfers that are taking over the game from old fogies like Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Jim Furyk et al. These young whipper snappers also bring along with them a new generation of WAGs—brought to you by []


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