The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Faith

The Politics of Faith

The Bible as Myth–one writer explains why reading the Bible in this light has been helpful to his understanding of biblical stories.  He explains that myths are not false stories, as the term is commonly understood, but that they are “a form of literature that expresses fundamental truths in a way that ordinary discourse is inadequate to describe.” [Huffington Post]

The cooperative effort between two denominations in one of the largest social service networks in the U.S., Lutheran Services in America, may come to an end over a difference in views on homosexuality and the authority of scripture. [Washington Post]

As the budget deadline approaches, faith leaders meet with Obama and ask, “What Would Jesus Cut?” [God’s Politics Blog]

Will the LGBT fight for equal standing under the law play a significant role in decriminalizing Morman polygamy? [Religion Dispatches]


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