The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of College

Collegiate athletics have an enormous presence on many college campuses across the country, and the effect continues to grow annually. See here for a list of the “Elite 50” schools, or those that rank the highest when considering both US News’  Ranking and the number of Top-15 Ranked Sports. [Stack]

College football remains a point of avid interest for many citizens across the country. Which team can claim it has the biggest fan base? Where do they live? How does that make sense? [NYTimes]

Despite the great strides that have been made for women in college athletics, there has been extensive maneuvering around equality laws. One is example is Title IX, which made discrimination against women in any aspect of education illegal. Some colleges have attempted to meet the bare minimum laid out by this law, while really maintaining their focus on male athletes. [NYTimes]

The differences between men and women’s college athletics is staggering, primarily as a result of men’s football and basketball teams. In particular, large disparities are seen between both men’s athletic expenses and revenues and women’s. [Matlab Geeks]


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