The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Beauty

The Politics of Beauty

If you’re a fan of American pop culture, you’re certainly aware of comic books and the influence they’ve had on American culture—from Spider-Man to American Splendor. And if you’re not familiar with the hysteria created by comic books in the 1940s, 50s and 60s, you must read one of your correspondent’s favorite books, The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America. So is the recent release of The 99, a group of Islamic superheroes embodying the more positive attributes of Allah, a cause for multicultural celebration or hyperbolic cries of “propaganda!”? Read more about the “controversy” from MSNBC. [Islamic superheroes: Role models or propaganda?]

If you watched a football game this weekend, you probably noticed a whole lot of pink going on. In fact, unless you’re color blind, you’ve probably seen a whole lot of pink everywhere lately as October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But is it too much? Is it just another over-simplified “symbol” that makes people feel like they’re doing something to help when in fact they’re just putting on a ribbon? Nothing more than putting a bumper sticker on your car? There are plenty of critics that think so. Check out two pieces on thinking outside the “pink” box. Amid Breast Cancer Month, Is There Pink Fatigue? from National Public Radio, and more from Breast Cancer Action.

Finally, unless you’ve been maniacally focused on getting the latest iPhone recently, you may have noticed that there’s a little protest movement going on in Manhattan (and Rome, Paris, Peoria, etc., over the weekend). Check out this send up from the New York Times, as the rich have had it up to their mink stoles with all of the attention given to the plebeians of late. [Occupy Poor Street]


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