The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of College

The Politics of College

The moment you step onto a college campus, everyone around you is speaking a foreign language, namely college lingo. To begin bridging the gap between the outside world and college, here is an extensive “dictionary” explaining some of these strange new words that all college students are expected to know. [Her Campus]

Although those of us who are in the middle of our college days do not think twice about the details of weekend socializing, the different types of parties are not as clear to most. What do you wear? What does that theme even mean? Is there social etiquette that I may not know about? A brief 411 on college parties. [College]

Who says college students don’t want the dirty details too? These college newspapers do not hesitate in telling the truth in order to keep their student bodies well informed, earning them titles as “The Gutsiest Campus Newspapers of 2011.” [Mother Jones]

Are college students really incapable of operating without technology? The extensive incorporation of Facebook, Twitter, tablets and other technological advances into the classroom has resulted in new methods of reading, studying and contacting teachers. Make sure to check out the image at the bottom for interesting statistics (Who knew 70 percent of students now take notes on their computers? And 38 percent of students claim they cannot go for more than ten minutes without using an electronic!) [Media Bistro]


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