John Y. Brown, III: Happy Mothers’ Day!

321397_10152845233840515_1100586538_nSetting aside one day a year to say “Thank You” to moms—seems like the least we can do. And on balance a pretty good deal.

Without moms, there wouldn’t be the other 364 days a year.

And that’s just for starters.

We would have a lot of bad habits that would hold us back in life and probably eventually lead to homelessness. And we’d have bad table manners and not bathe as frequently as we do. And we’d never gotten beyond 3rd grade in school. And with the foolish things we would try to do in the back yard playing as kids, we’d surely have put out one or both of our eyes. And refrigerators would stay open longer and waste energy. And we would have been cold more often because we forgot to wear warm enough clothes and shoes. And wet more often, too.

Umbrellas may never have been invented if not for moms. Or chicken soup. Or coupons. Or the voice inside our head that says to us, “What would your mother say?” that keeps us from acting on ideas we have that are viewed negatively by society—except in Quintin Tarrentino films.

But even Quintin Tarrentino is better off for having had a good mother. He would have merely been a spastic truant had he not had a good mom instead of one of the greatest film makers of our generation. So Quintin Tarrentino should be especially grateful for his mom.

And we wouldn’t know how to say things like, “Happy Mother’s Day” and mean it. Or “I love you” and mean that.

So, for all those reasons and many more, Happy Mother’s Day!


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