John Y. Brown, III: Daylight Savings Time

Hope you didn’t miss it! I was there!

Some people are really into watching a solar eclipse ….other people are in to staying up late to observe a meteor shower.


I like staying up late twice a year to personally live through –wide awake– Daylight’s Savings Time.

To each his own, I suppose.

At least you can’t burn out the rods and cones in your eyes with Daylight’s Savings Time.

This…right now…is where it gets a little crazy for an hour or so as we transition to the complete loss of an hour.

No one really knows what happens or how it works or even if it is 2am or 1am or 3am (except a few know-it-all-types but they rarely stay up this late) —but you get my point.

We don’t even know if it is a good idea for the modern world…but twice a year getting to experience an hour appear out of nowhere and then 6 months later disappear like a puff of smoke, is well worth the wait and an awe-inspiring event to behold.

With the right mind set. And low expectations, of course.

But as with all great natural thrill–and cheap unnatural thrills– there is the letdown or downside. I have to now go to reset all my clocks and my watch.

But it sure was cool while it lasted. And I can’t wait until 6 months from now when I get to do it all again.


Tomorrow we lose an hour— “spring forward.”

That makes me sad for tomorrow. It is unlikely that it will be as productive a day as the other days this week (which each got to have an additional hour).

In an effort to to be fair to tomorrow, I have decided to totally waste exactly one hour today.

Actually, since this realization of the unfairness about tomorrow only having 23 hours just occured to me today (one day before tomorrow), in an effort to equalize the productive hours of each day this past week, I am going to waste 6 hours today.

Because it is the right thing to do.

So far today I am off to an impressive start.


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