I’m not complaining. Being on a cruise ship is great.
OK. Not entirely.
It can be a little confining. But it’s mostly very pleasant.
However, it can play games with your mind.
For example, it just occurred to me that the real reason in Dr Suess’s Green Eggs and Ham that Sam-I-Am gave in and agreed to try –and then admitted he liked —green eggs and ham in a boat WAS NOT because he finally became open minded about the and discovered he liked the taste.
But rather he was feeling claustrophobic after being on that boat several days and was willing to say or do anything to wrap the story up so he could get back to dry land.
Cruise ships and Reincarnation.
I don’t really believe in reincarnation….but I’m no expert on the topic either. I just know what it means as a general matter and couldn’t help thinking of it yesterday when boarding our cruise ship.
There were several hundred of us. Maybe closer to 1000. Tall, short, skinny, heavy, loud, quiet, young and old— different ethnicities and skin colors, and temperaments and personalities from across those spectrums.
These were the assemblage of people fate had handed me to experience this voyage with. They would be the people populating my new world.
I didn’t know any of them but had to be careful not to pre-judge who I would get along with and who I wouldn’t. I’m always surprised in that way.But there we were. Like the first episode of Lost –only a lot more of them and none of us were cast for a TV show. And, fortunately, we weren’t really lost.
But we we will be discovering and experiencing things together and create a miniature microcosm of a world of our own for a week. And least that’s what i imagined.If we had longer–a few months or year or two together, maybe we’d develop a tribe or community or perhaps even a city and decide what our common characteristics are — they’d be arbitrary, of course (a desire for adventure and interest traveling my water and ability to live in close quarters with others, etc)—and try to define ourselves accordingly.

Picture #2: What a Mediterranean Cruise actually looks like.
And then, I suppose, after distinguishing ourselves from other “cruise ship cities or communities” we’d elect leaders to protect us from them.
That just seems so odd and funny. And yet it isn’t so far fetched compared to the way we humans do form tribes, communities, cities, states and countries.
Then again, I had a lot of time to think about it all because registration for the cruise was slow…and when I have free time on my hands, my mind wanders and my imagination takes on a life of its own. Especially if I’ve just taken a Dramamine tablet.
Actually, my first thought was “This feels like the first day at a new school.” That worked for awhile and I was good with that analogy and just trying to figure out where I’d fit in and wasn’t having much luck. But as registration dragged on….my thoughts moved from first days at a new school to how communities develop to what caused nations to go to war to what reincarnation must feel like to experience. And then we were all checked in, so I stopped there.
Probably a good place to stop. Besides, the Dramamine was wearing off anyway and it started to feel like I had simply boarded a cruise ship with my family and checked into my cabin. Geez. That sounds so overly-simplified and pedestrian. But could be that’s all there was to it.
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