Jason Grill: The President’s Mission Tonight and Beyond

President Obama must step up to the plate and hit a home run next Thursday night. However, let’s be honest here, Congress has to be willing to put politics aside and do what is in the best interest of this country and our economy.

Our government came together to bail out Wall Street and the banking system, using taxpayer dollars, almost as fast as Usain Bolt runs a 100-meter dash. Why are they not doing this with jobs, the economy, and unemployment?


This is a serious crisis. President Obama needs to present a strong jobs plan on Thursday night and put some new ideas into the fast lane. Congress needs to think about the future of this country rather than the 2012 elections. Congress has to be willing to play ball on job creation and the economy at such an important time. So is it election politics as usual or is Washington D.C. really going to help find real solutions to the problems that face our economy? Is the 2012 presidential race really more important than a 9.1 percent unemployment rate? We shall see…

(Cross-posted, with permission of the author, from Politico’s Arena)


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