We are 28% there in 1st Week.
We started the Sock 101 campaign just last Tuesday and, thanks to you, we have raised over $7,166! 130 donors to date. Thank you for supporting us!
We still need your help spreading the word. Sock 101 has 22 days to raise the remaining money! We know we can do it with your support!
Check out our campaign here!
If you haven’t pledged to get your socks, would you consider pledging today? We need to reach our goal in order to launch and grow other exciting offerings moving forward.
Check out the Sock 101 Kickstarter campaign, choose a perk that suits you, and pick out which socks you want us to send you. It’s that easy! We are offering discounts for Earlybird Funders which save you about $12 off our normal pricing! What a deal! Also, please continue to share our story!
Please share this email about our Kickstarter Campaign via email, Facebook, Twitter, phone calls, text messages and through old fashioned conversations. This is the key to going viral and spreading the Sock 101 story and new line offerings.
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