Robert Butkin: Leaving Politics With No Regrets

When asked to provide a post for a website called “The Recovering Politician,” I tried to figure out what in the blazes I’m supposed to be recovering from. In fact, in the six years since I left my position as Oklahoma State Treasurer, I have never looked back or regretted either the time I spent in elective public service or my decision to leave after a decade in office.  I left when I determined that I had accomplished all that I had set out to do when I first ran for the job.

That’s not to say that there is not much still to be done with the agency, and in fact my successors have developed new initiatives that have improved the operations of the office. I had accomplished everything that I had set out to do.   Despite my concern about the advisability of term limits, I do believe that all of us who are privileged to serve in elective office should be willing to limit our own terms and turn our offices over to energetic– and hopefully idealistic– successors when we have accomplished our mission.  One should never be a “placeholder” when holding an office of public trust.

In many ways, I was the most unlikely of political candidates.  Nobody in my family had ever run or thought of running for political office, but like many who came of age in the 1960s and the 1970s, I was convinced that elective public service was the highest calling a democracy could offer.  A chance meeting with a candidate for Oklahoma Attorney General in 1986 gave me an opportunity several months later to join his staff to serve as an Assistant Attorney General, and in that capacity I had the opportunity to serve as the people’s advocate in utility rate proceedings and to represent Oklahoma in a landmark Clean Water Act case, Arkansas v. Oklahoma, that I argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1991.

In 1993, I began to think seriously about a race for political office.  We had had a bi-partisan tradition in the Oklahoma Treasurer’s office –a bi-partisan tradition of crumminess. Democrats and Republicans alike had been beset by scandals, investigations and indictments.  Confidence in our state’s ability to manage our finances with integrity was at an all time low, and as somebody who believed in public investment, I knew that if the citizens of Oklahoma could not trust where and how their tax dollars were managed, they would not be willing to come together to invest in better schools, roads, and health care.

We won narrowly in 1994, a victory that truly would not have been possible had not dozens of volunteers, who normally pay no attention to elections for offices like state treasurer, cared enough about the need to restore integrity to the office that they joined our cause.  And I would not have been successful without an outstanding staff who every single day put the interests of our state first.  Many of our earlier accomplishments were far from glamorous, involving new accounting controls and speedier processes to convert cash to investable funds.  But when I began giving taxpayers a running total of how much money we had saved or earned through cost saving efficiencies without a need for tax increase, they responded, and I believe our work has played a role in the willingness of Oklahomans to support new investments in education and health care over the last decade.

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Robert Butkin: Leaving Politics With No Regrets

Ellen Call: A Happy and Fully Recovered Politician

The one question that recovering politicians always get is “do you miss it?”

Many elected officials have politics in their blood, and they go through a sort of withdrawal when they’re not in office.

Fortunately for my peace of mind, I don’t have it that bad, and I can honestly say that I don’t miss it.

My business partner in my public affairs firm, Julie Raque Adams, ran for state representative last year and won.  I love hearing her tales of all the hijinks in Frankfort, but that’s enough for me for now.

I wouldn’t change a thing about the six years I served on Louisville’s Metro Council.  I’m very proud that I had a hand in the fabulous KFC Yum! Center, the smoking ban, and the Fairness Ordinance.  I am also grateful that I had the opportunity to advocate for an expansion of our library system.

But I am so happy in the private sector that it’s hard to imagine jumping back in.  So count me in the ranks of a very content recovered politician.

Smoking Ban

Senate President and gubernatorial candidate David Williams deserves kudos for coming out in favor of a statewide smoking ban. That’s not an easy position for a candidate to take in a Republican primary, and I really appreciate it.

When I served on the Metro Council, we finally passed a comprehensive smoking ban in Louisville. One year, I served as the Chair of the committee studying the smoking ban, so I had the opportunity to meet with many bar and restaurant owners who were concerned about the economic impact of a ban.

One local restaurateur I met with told me at a high volume that his business would be doomed if we passed a smoking ban.

He got so hot with me at one point that he said, “If you were a man, I’d punch you in the face!”

I said, “Well, it’s a good thing I’m a girl!”

By the way, his restaurant business has expanded in the years since the smoking ban passed.  Good for him.


I am so glad that Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul ignored the silly boycott of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington in February. Several conservative groups skipped the conference because a gay Republican group, GOProud, was invited to co-sponsor the event. GOProud was co-founded by my friend and former Louisvillian, Jimmy LaSalvia.

The groups that protested GOProud’s inclusion need to remember that politics is a game of addition, not subtraction.

Julie Hits Frankfort

When Senator Williams filed his papers to run for Governor, a reporter at the press conference got a good chuckle from a freshman State Representative. Right before the press conference began, the new legislator blurted out, “Oh my gosh, my dress is on backwards!” Now, in her defense, the front and the back looked exactly alike.

Of course, it was Rep. Julie Raque Adams, the only woman I know who would say that out loud instead of just thinking it.

Thanks to Courier-Journal reporter Joe Gerth for that scoop!!

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