Al Mayo: Just Politics As Usual

Just as I figured, Kentucky’s political picture is beginning to shape up for the next few years. I guessed it might clear up once Ashley Judd made her decision, and it seems to be doing that exactly. Judd has opted out of a Senate run and it would seem Secretary Of State Allison Lundergan-Grimes has emerged as the leading candidate to take on Mitch McConnell in 2014. With that happening some other things are also emerging regarding future races.

Senator Rand Paul seems more and more like he will be a one-term office holder. He looks to be gearing up for a Presidential run in 2016. I’m not sure who the state GOP would run in his place, but I would think Agriculture Commissioner James Comer might be a name to remember. Comer could also decide to run for Governor in 2015, so there would have to be another GOP hopeful for one of those races. The big shift for the Democrats might be the race for Paul’s Senate seat. If, as expected, Paul opts out after a single term; I look for Attorney General Jack Conway to make another charge at the seat. I expect this now more than ever since former Auditor Crit Luallen has begun reaching out to big labor, and unions recently. This may be preliminary feelers preceeding a run for Governor. Luallen was thought to have her pick of offices to run for, but has expressed a preference for Governor. Conway too has eyed that office, but with Luallen as his political mentor, he won’t take on that challenge.

Another name to think about is former Lt.Governor Daniel Mongiardo. Some people poo-poo a Mongiardo candidacy for any statewide office after he was dropped form Steve Beshear’s ticket for Jerry Abramson. But Mongiardo still enjoys a lot of support from his native Eastern Kentucky, and I believe has more strength statewide than many realize.

Abramson will also be one to watch. Where he will fit in the statewide picture is hard to figure. He could make a run at Governor or possibly the Senate, but I doubt he would carry much strength outside Louisville or Lexington.

I would think that a Comer/Luallen contest for Governor might be very entertaining, and be one of the most-watched races in the country if it were to happen. Comer is one to watch for the GOP. Right now, he seems to be the rising Republican star in Kentucky, and is mentioned as a possible candidate for every race. I suspect he’s concentrating on Governor, unless he is prevailed upon by Tea Party factions to run for Senate. There are others in the GOP being touted, but none has the statewide name Comer enjoys. He’s also shown he can be a vote-getting machine statewide, which pulls him far ahead of other GOP possibles.


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